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    Clinic Address


    Address: East Wing, Level 5, 86 Kiora Road, Miranda NSW 2228

  • Opening Hours
    • Mon to Fri 9am – 4.45pm
    • Sat to Sun Closed


Is the surgical procedure to remove the excess skin of your labia minora (the inner labia tissue). This is usually done to create a more aesthetic appearance as well as address any medical issues.

While there is a large percentage of women who have a normal sized labia minora, there are still reasons why they would like it reduced and have any excess removed. Usually, some women can get excessive skin because they have inadequate skin of the labia majora (the out labia tissue), or it can be the result of childbirth. Labiaplasty can also address any unsightliness, irritation of the skin, infections, and other related hygiene problems.

While you can adopt strategies to alleviate the issues that come with significant discomfort due to a large labia, labiaplasty has become more common. More women are becoming more aware of the possibility of having this discomfort corrected through surgery.

Labiaplasty is usually performed under general anaesthetic and can usually take about an hour. The procedure is a simple one that involves the removal of any excess tissue from the labia minora or majora, and some patients are generally comfortable enough to go home after the surgery.

As for recovery, this can take a few weeks. While some pain is common, it usually only takes a few days for it to subside. And a week before you would be able to return to work and another to consider low impact gym exercises. There will be swelling that will take several days to subside before it can become comfortable again with some bruising.

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